Project Outline
This website is a personal portfolio for me to showcase all my skills, services and all my projects and provide all my details to the people who want to contact with me or requesting any web development opportunities.
This website consists of many modules like:
- Admins (admin login, edit profile info like name or email, change password).
- About Module which divided into 4 sub-sections which including (basic information about me like name, position, projects count, about summary to display to my audience, all contact details like social accounts links, address, phone number(s), email(s) and all related images to display on the main front website) .
- Experiences Module to add all my experiences including (position, organization, starting date, ending date and description for this experience).
- Education Module to add all my education including (degree, organization, starting date, ending date and description for this education).
- Skills Module to add all my skills including (skill name and range).
- Services Module to add all my services to my audience including (service name and icon).
- Success Stories Module to add all my achievements on my work progress including (name, count and icon).
- Projects Module to add and showcase all my projects to my audience and provide a way to live preview my projects including all details required in the project like (project name, service, link to live preview the project and provide description with Ckeditor).
- Blog Module to add new blogs and show all these blog posts to my audience with the ability to add all blog required details including (name, cover image, creator name, seo keywords, seo description and blog text with CKeditor).
- Messages Module to send new messages from the main front website and display all received messages from the dashboard.
- Settings Module to add and edit all settings parameters including (site name, seo details, site icons and logos ).
- All modules have all functionalities needed to run the module successfully with all crud operations .
Used technologies for this website
This website depends on many technologies like :
- Laravel Framework v.8
- Php
- mySQL
- Javascript
- Jquery
- Bootstrap 5
- Css 3
- Html
- Git
- Github